Sunday, October 22, 2006


Apparently my blog is having issues - i.e., being invisible to all of my loyal readers (i.e., Mom!) so if you are reading this without your x-ray glasses, please let me know.
On the up side, Ang and I spent a leisurely day in the car today, driving to San Diego and back home again, picking up my car on the turn. It is all better and best of all - it was all free! All under warranty. Which seemed suspicious at first, seeing it's over 50,000 miles but I am not one to question ANYTHING free:-)
Have a super Sunday everyone. Love to all!


brickmomma said...

maybe I should be on the HEROS show... I can read your blog!

Anonymous said...

I noticed yesterday that I couldn't see it. but now that I have my 'supa' suit on I can read it. I'm glad your car is all better. -Sus