Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I don't know where to begin...

It's 6:59am and I am dressed and ready to go to work. Somedays I barely am ready to go at ten to eight. Today it's super early. There's no rhyme or reason. I got up and walked 4 miles today at 5:30 and I was excited to do so, not really for the health benefits but so I could listen to the latest podcast I'd downloaded. I found UC Berkley's podcasts online and I can listen to a whole host of awesome things there. Last night I found this one entitled "The Bush White House: How Covering the Beat has Changed" - an hour and a half with my the spunky Helen Thomas and several other distinguished journalists. Did you know she has covered 9 presidents and is STILL in the press room. Wow. She covered Kennedy. Yesterday I brought up Kennedy and my kids looked at me like, "Who? What? What's she smoking?"
So yes, very cool podcast. They have others - a whole psyics class, etc. So tonight I'll play and download some more. And they're all FREE! I adore my iPod (Thanks Mom and Dad - you rock!).
Other stuff I am thinking but my brain is going to fast to write more than a few words this morning:
-Last night we watched the Bob Woodruff special on ABC about when he came home from Iraq and his recovery. It was heart-wrenching and angering and as Ang said, "depressing". But necessary all the same. Please pray for Specialist Andrew Hughes. Our families grew up together and he's over there now and was recently attacked by an IED. No severe injuries for him that I am aware of (well not on the brain injury side) but still, it's horrible what's happening.
-We also watched The Unit last night, all about fighting "over there" and it was interesting to see that side of things, even if they are fictional on that show. There was a huge gunfight and Ang was upset and we discussed how America really is becoming desensitized to violence. Well, in our opinions. And how we send so many over there to fight and it's not their job, it's not what they've been trained to do on their 2 weekends a year, and we wonder why it's not going well. I am not in any way blaming the troops - I cannot begin to thank them enough - but our adminstration who sends more and more troops over there to do a job that is unpredictable at best. Ok, off my soapbox.
-My classroom got tagged yesterday. In yellow marker someone wrote South S and it looks like they got stopped before finishing Side. This is a gang here in our area and I was so pissed. They're gonna hear it today - everyone!
-And yesterday I had my 5th schedule observation and it was the 5th time my boss didn't show. Life is so great:-)
-Ok, gotta scoot, Ang needs clothing advice! Have a good day all.

Monday, February 26, 2007


That's how many steps I took today while at work. That equals 4.43 miles and 824 calories. Woo, no wonder I was tired tonight. And that does not include the 4 miles I walked at 5:30 this morning listening to the ever-chipper Leslie Sansone and her walk-away-the-pounds friends.
So I am heading to bed early with a stack of Newsweeks. Keep movin' everyone!
And in case you're wondering, yes - that walking does equal out the half box of Somoa girl scout cookies I ate tonight. But still didn't go over my daily total with the exercise points. Walking rocks!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Jury Duty and other stuff on my mind

So I went to sleep at 9:30 last night. I am a party animal. We did go out to Lute's Casino with some friends from work and enjoy dinner and some great conversation, lots of laughs, etc. Then we came home and tried to watch Man about Town. This is a movie I have been wanting to see since I heard it was in the works and then it was never released on the big screen - straight to DVD. Not sure why. It's a Mike Bender film (he writes, directs, and is a major supporting actor in it) and I loved him last The Upside of Anger. Loved, loved, loved it. But I fell asleep. I do not blame the movie or Ben Affleck (whom you know I adore) but rather this insane week. So I went to bed. And proceeded to sleep for 10 straight hours. Wow, guess I was tired.
So I woke up and immediately had to start writing my jury duty letter so I can mail it today so I don't go to jail. Angela and I were both summonsed for jury duty on July 1, 2007. I would love to serve on a jury, I find it fascinating, especially if it's anything like a John Grisham novel or Twelve Angry Men or Law and Order. But not in July. This is our month off, our summer vacation. I'd already been pricing plane tickets that would take us to Michigan right when school got out then to Texas to see Brick #3 for the first time and to celebrate the 4th of July with them and then back here. So this really puts a wrench in things. Big time and I am so not impressed.
So I wrote a letter explaining I need to go home to see my parents who are in poor health (go with me folks) and am hoping for mercy. Please hope with me.
So it's now Saturday, and I am headed to school to help Ang and Shannon out with their career ladder stuff (a horrible, evil program that the district forces new teachers into). Then we'll see what the day unfolds!
Later gators!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The first day of Lent

So today I had to explain Ash Wednesday and Lent to my seventh graders. Interesting as most of them are go-to-church-three-times-a-week Catholics. But we discussed it nonetheless. And when asked what I was giving up they were surprised when I said nothing. As usual I am taking my whole "Do something" for Lent stance. I am already trying to give up extra calories, soda (since January baby - it's working!) and procrastination (this may be a never ending battle).
For Lent this year I pledge to exercise and write daily. Not just when I feel like it, which would be rarely. So this morning I got up at 5:20 am and walked 4 miles with the aerobic video and Kevin Smith's podcast in my ear. And I'll do it again tomorrow (though I doubt the podcast tomorrow will contain such a lively poltical debate as today's over whether or not Oriental is no longer politcally correct).
So what are you all giving up/taking on?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Big news in Yuma

It sprinkled yesterday, yep - a few drops of rain on the sidewalk and today the kids were all a flutter with the news. It's funny, I want to tell them that 4 days of rain or 14 days of rain is news not 10 seconds. But they don't get it here, especially not the kids.
We had a good day, overall - I even got my 1000 words in when I got home. That's my goal: 1000 words a day on either a screenplay or novel. We'll see how it goes.
I did not meet my exercise quota today - only hit 8365 steps or just over 3 miles but my feet hurt by 6th hour and I was home by 4:15 writing so I guess that's ok. We'll try again tomorrow.

Monday, February 19, 2007

The playground

So these are pictures from our Saturday morning. Angela and I volunteered to help build the new playground down by the river here in Yuma. It's being funded and built completely by volunteers and was designed by the kids of Yuma. It looks like a giant castle, and is pretty cool!
We worked from 8am until 12pm and were considered skilled workers because we said we felt comfortable using a circular saw. Actually, we ended up using a drill and putting up the blue and pink blocks you see here. It was tricky work, I had to stand on a 10 foot ladder and screw the blocks into place into the plastic composite boards. I used muscles that haven't been worked out in quite a while. And my balancing skills. We put up quite a few all over the place and then half an hour before our shift was over our supervisor found us and told us we had to take them all down. There had apparently been a miscommunication and there had to be pink boards under the blue pieces. So with heavy hearts Angela, Lety (our new friend who was grouped with us) and I took them all down. Needless to say after that I did not feel nearly as bad about going through 4 drill bits in 3 hours!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Hit the mark

So I made it today: 12,846 steps. Well over my ten thousand goal. How'd you all do??? (it helps to work a ten and a half hour day, keeps my feets a movin'!)

And a happy V-day to me!

So I was going to post yesterday and somehow it became 11:30pm and I had to fall into bed. Somehow the time passes so quickly when you are a) watching 3 episodes of Lost to get caught up with the rest of America and b) chatting online with friends from Michigan, setting up your MySpace account, and just playing online. So we'll just pretend it's yesterday and I'll report on Valentine's Day in the southwest.
So my biggest treat/surprise was when I got home and there was a brand-new dishwasher installed! I am so excited. We've been fighting with ours for several months and finally the maintenance guy gave in and just ordered us a new one but that was over a week ago and I was getting antsy. So I was delighted yesterday to find the plastic wrap on the puppy when we got home. I was so excited I put the detergent right in and Ang was like, Sarah - we don't even have dirty dishes in it yet. But I didn't care. I was "pickled to death"!
Also, I got gifts at school. A bowl of candy and a big container of chocolate covered pretzels, a You're So Raven card, and various others. The pretzels never made it home:-) Okay, okay, neither did the candy.
And I was so excited this year - I got tons of cards and gifts in the mail from family and friends, I feel so blessed really, so loved. So THANK YOU! All of you!
Alrighty, I've had my five minute break and I need to finish grading papers. I am giving two tests today and a lesson on descriptive writing. It's also "Friday" - a nonstudent day tomorrow and no school Monday so I know things will be a bit frenzied (that's one of our vocab words this week!). I am also being observed fifth hour which should be interesting. Frankly, I just want it to be done, it was rescheduled once and I know I shouldn't be but I am a bit anxious. But I suppose that keeps me on my toes!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The count

I walked 10,248 steps today (and that was just until 6pm when I took the thing off)! That's 3.72 miles just at work, whew! No wonder I get tired, and today wasn't even a very busy day walking wise. Today I inputed grades and we listened to a 22 minute story on CD that allowed me to sit and work and listen for most of it. So I think I did pretty good. How'd you do???

Monday, February 12, 2007

Pickled to death

-We are learning about descriptive writing in class this week. Last week we had a lesson on synonyms and using better words to describe things. For our Do Now! work one morning (which is on the board every day, something they have to do to get started immediately without my prompting them) I had them find synonyms for good, bad, happy and sad. One of my students put down the phrase "pickled to death" as a synonym for happy. I couldn't help but smile. I asked him quietly if he meant "tickled to death" and he got this embarrassed smile on his face and said he thought the thesaurus said pickled to death. I thought it was great and laughed about it to myself all day. Priceless.
-Some of you will be happy to know (or at least you'll pretend to be) that I wrote today! Yep, I worked on the novel, on Molly and Crystal's stories. They intertwine somewhat which makes my life oh so confusing. And I have added some side characters from Patricia's story in which makes it just a bit more convuluted. But all in all it went well and I feel rather accomplished. It's not done or anything but I feel like I'm moving forward! And I gotta say, that's better than the alternatives...
-I saw this very white crane today in the front yard of the apartment complex. I tried describing him to my dad who I was on the phone with at the time but I've yet to find out what his name is although I've done some checking. (Not name as in Fred or Louise but type - there, clarification). I actually went out with the digital camera to take a snap of him but as I approached him he flew away. Hmmm, I need to hone my stalking skills. But the kinda creepy guy who smokes outside his corner apartment all the time startled me so maybe that was my problem. I put my camera away and walked swiftly home. I'll keep you updated. On the crane that is, not the creepy guy.
-So most of my kids are failing my class. Literally getting an F. This hurts me. And I know it's not me, it's them not doing their homework, them not taking their time on essays and tests but they'll get the wrath anyway tomorrow when I print out grade sheets and make all the Ds and Fs get them signed and stay after school for the next few weeks. I will not let them fail gosh darnit! I will not!
-I went to the doctor today and got a pretty clean bill of health although I need to have some standard blood tests done tomorrow. So I am fasting for that right now. I was encouraged to take calcium supplements, 1000-1500mgs a day. So I went right to Walgreens and got me a big bottle of 400 pills, 600mgs each and I promptly took 2 so I think I'm good. That means I am now taking a multi-vitamin, vitamin D, vitamin E and calcium supplements. Ang thinks I am crazy but I told her the nurse practitioner told me I could even take Flinstones as long as I took something. She thought that sounded terrif so she got some Flinstones on her way home and guess what, she hates the taste! Hehe. A well spent 5 bucks:-)
-I got a new pedometer this weekend, the 6 dollar one lasted 3 days and then quit counting steps so I got a 20 dollar one I am hoping lasts much longer. I am shooting for 10,000 steps a day and I'll report back so someone challenge me!
-We had a Netflix discussion tonight. We're winding down our time in Stars Hollow with the Gilmore Girls (and there was much sadness!) so we have to beef up our cue. Ang is not terribly impressed with my movie selections (i.e., Say Anything and Drumline and some independents (Half Nelson) which I have never seen but would like to) so we added some new TV: the last of The Sopranos and House. We'll see how those go. Suggestions are widely encouraged:-)
-Another thing I learned at the doctor today: underwire bras are bad for you. I never knew this! All my life I've been thinking I had to wear them and turns out nope, they are not good and should only be worn for a night out on the town. I was instructed to spend some money on some good sports bras instead. Hmmm. I liked that thought:-)
-Alrighty, I am signing off for the night. I have to be at the lab at 7:30 to give blood and then it's a 9 and a 1/2 hour day at school (afterschool program's running twice this week for me!). Whew...'Night all!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

One of the good days

Today was a day I needed. A good day. A day when everything went well in class and the kids seemed to get it and I was enjoying it.
I was supposed to be evaluated today by my boss, the vice principal. But he had a death in the family and had to reschedule for next week. Even though we're not supposed to put on a "dog and pony show" when the administration comes into our rooms, we all do and I am no exception. We've had a lot of profession development classes lately on how to be better teachers: writing and sharing our objectives with the kids, key vocabulary, instructional design, etc. And while it sometimes seems like a waste of time, today it all came together. I had planned a very formal lesson, scripted from a workbook on the 6 traits of writing, for my eval. And I decided to continue on with it despite the fact that no one but the kids would be watching. And I'm glad it did. Today was descriptive writing, learning to use the thesaurus and synonyms. And it went so well. It took almost our whole 2 hour block but I had the kids discussing, writing notes, using their books, talking about words, finding new words to use when insulting each other, it was GREAT. Today is what I believe teaching is all about.
And then afterschool I had tutoring. I ended up with one of my kids and 2 of Angela's and it went so so well. I was almost giddy afterwards. I got to talk through a tough story with one of my girls and help her raise her test score from a D to an A+. I got to walk one of Ang's boys through a test on cacao beans and forest fires and have fun in the process. I got to help another of Ang's boys write a creation myth that he seemed excited to write (well he always seems excited, he is ADD but anyway, he was at least writing!). And I had a girl in detention for gum chewing who told me, unprompted, that she had learned her lesson. So I let her skip the punishment section after a few minutes and make up a test she'd missed.
So yeah, all in all, a good day.
And on a side note (or a birdwalk as they call it here, we call them tangents where I come from) - I was thinking today as I watched my kids work and talked with them all day about words, what will these kids be like when they are grown ups. Won't they be something. To think, I only get to know them for a little while. They're still kids. They've only just begun. They are just starting. But in a few years, it would be interesting to find out who they become. Because they're going to be some pretty cool adults. But it's just crazy that I only get to see them for this moment. For now. So I am appreciating that today. I am enjoying being with each of them. With the girl who writes "Miss Knapp is the best" on her white erase board. With the boy who waves at me every single time he sees me. With the boy who was so angry when I gave him 2 detentions but found Angela every day I was out sick to tell her he'd been behaving for the subs. With the girl who reminded me today that her mom and I were both born in 1977. With the girl who, every time we hear a song by 'The Fray' (on announcements and Channel One usually), yells, "Miss Knapp, it's your favorite band" (say something one time and they never forget it. With the boy who's decided Angela is now Mrs. Brown (Mr. Brown is the math teacher down the hall Ang has a very contemptuous relationship with) and they honeymooned over Christmas break. With the girl who asks my permission to wear her new shirt with writing on it to school the next day.
This is all just from today. I am truly amazed at all the happens in my world on an hourly basis. How many thoughts and individuals I come into contact with. And how each of them affects me. And how I affect them. How they seem to crave my attention and at the same time defy me regularly. Even the good ones. It's astonishing. I am so grateful for this experience. So grateful.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Just because

I really don't have much to blog about today. Nothing exciting has happened, not much new to report here though it is sunny and 80 degrees. But I kinda miss the snow and cold of the north. I know, I know, if I was there I surely would be singing a different tune. But I'm not there and part of me misses my fleece bathrobe and my turtleneck sweater and my wool socks. Here I sit in my summer pjs with the window open because it's 65 at 10pm. Don't hate me because I live in the southwest!
I am feeling moderately better though everytime I blow my nose my kids cringe and I woke up this morning with a sore throat, a new symptom this time 'round. I came home tonight, made a stir-fry and collapsed on the couch with some Gilmore Girls. (We taped Lost and will try to avoid all spoilers until we watch it, probably on Friday.)
Well this was a boring blog but it's all I've got. I'm a little off my game because of this whole plague part 3 thing going on. I'll work out some better stuff for tomorrow. Until then, sleep tight!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Back to the grind

I made it back to work today and it felt as if I'd been gone four weeks instead of four days. But it was nice to hear over and over from the kids that they missed me. And they had a lot to tell me:-) Good and bad. How the pencil sharpener's just quit working, how the wooden snowman got broke, how the sub said I had a lot of eighties music in my CD collection, how they got a detention in math and they don't know why. So much to hear from my 59 little ones.
Work was fine, we read a story and I got some organization and grading done and tried not to exert too much energy. Doing that brings on coughing fits and that seems to freak the kids out.
But I did manage to put 10,006 steps on the pedometer today. That's twice out of three days wearing it I've hit the 10,000 mark so yay! How many steps did you take today???

Friday, February 02, 2007

Antibiotics and Kleenex

Yep, that's right, I'm sick again. Fever, chills, aches, runny nose, sore throat, lovely productive cough. I've got it all. And since I had already missed 2 days of work this week for this lovely sickness, I finally went to UrgentCare last night. The doctor there was great, I've always had good luck there and at $50 for the visit, it's really not bad in my opinion. He told me I have an upper respiratory thing and sinusitis or something like that. He drew little pictures of my sinuses on the table paper and talked about dissecting cadavers and I tried very hard to listen. My ears peaked when he mentioned a possible CAT scan if the 14 days of antibiotics don't clear this up.
Ang went with me and I was very glad for that. I think that you should always go to to doctor with someone when you are sick. It's too hard to hear all they have to say when you're not feeling well. She asked some great questions for me and I am so thankful to have the support as I was sitting there just trying to keep from coughing.
The doctor wrote me a note for missing school, and gave me cough syrup with codene and antibiotics. I guess I took the cough syrup to early last night though because around 3:30 I woke up and proceeded to lay in bed coughing for the next hour. Then I got up and decided to do something else, thus why I am online at 4:45am.
The good news is that I have sick days, so I am thankful for that, and that my kids have gotten good sub reports these past 2 days. I can't ask for more really. At $99 for 2 types of drugs I really don't know what people without health care do, so I am very thankful for that as well.
Guess I'll head back to bed. You know, in theory it's great. Three days in bed doing nothing but flipping channels, napping, and reading a little bit. But in reality, it stinks. Go figure!