Monday, February 26, 2007


That's how many steps I took today while at work. That equals 4.43 miles and 824 calories. Woo, no wonder I was tired tonight. And that does not include the 4 miles I walked at 5:30 this morning listening to the ever-chipper Leslie Sansone and her walk-away-the-pounds friends.
So I am heading to bed early with a stack of Newsweeks. Keep movin' everyone!
And in case you're wondering, yes - that walking does equal out the half box of Somoa girl scout cookies I ate tonight. But still didn't go over my daily total with the exercise points. Walking rocks!


brickmomma said...

Um, Samoas are my FAVORITE!!!!!!!!

kathycfg said...

don't ya wonder how many steps we were taking when we would go to school all day and then do a 9-hole meet or practice?