Monday, April 16, 2007

It stinks!

Yes, today my job literally stunk. Like rotten eggs and bad farts and nastiness. It's because some of my dear little seventh graders have figured out the age old practice of creating and letting off stink bombs. We've had more than four go off in the past week. But thankfully, none in my room. Today it got close though, the room next door was bombed and we smelled it immediately, it was horrible. After a while I gave in and we marched down to Angela's room and bunked with them for the remainder of the class. What I don't understand is 1.)why and 2.)how? Why let off something that smells so terrible when you know the chances of you getting out of class are extremely low and the chances of you getting caught are extremely high? (We've already had several snitch on today's bomber, and one's a golfer of mine, guess who's benched Wednesday!) The how fascinates me. What goes into a stink bomb? Is it in a canister with a pin? What are the ingredients? I need to do some research or find the vice principal tomorrow - surely he'll know, right?
Beyond that five of my kids are suspended for six days, all good kids. Suspended for concealing a weapon (a nasty looking knife) in school for another kid, who's not so good. I don't understand that either. They all had to go to court today, they'll be lucky if they aren't expelled, they're in a mess of legal and educational trouble. So yeah, that's exciting. Oh and there were two fights at lunch today, all girls, several of whom were also mine. This is why we could manage to bunk with Ang's class in seventh hour, my class of 21 was widdled down to 12 by this afternoon. Amazing. These kids have little concept of right and wrong and consequences and it's so sad. Maybe the girl with the claw marks dug into her face will realize this when she examines the scars. Or maybe not.


brickmomma said...

Arghhhhh- what a rough day. And I get irritated when my students don't keep their hands to themsleves at circle time or run in the halls.......I guess little infractions can lead to bigger?

The World through Angel's Eyes said...

Kids are amazing. Even when you (not just you specifically but all of us who have the pleasure of working with them on a regular basis) stop to ask yourself, "Did they even think about that before they did it?!" you have some idea that they really did and how strange their decision making skills can be. Gotta love em though. Thank you for doing all that you do for them. You are a great role model for so many-and you have the power to shape little minds....muwah ha ha ha ha ha!
I'll be praying for the troubled ones....