Wednesday, May 23, 2007

CRMS Champions!

Today was a good day. A very good day. We had our last golf match of the season and it went well. We had a large cooler of water we wheeled all around the course and handed out. We had parents come and set up lawn chairs to support their kids. We had a perfect 89 degree day with the slightest breeze and bright sun. We had 12 golfers all in uniform having fun on the course. We laughed and teased and took pictures and made great shots (even me in a driving contest with one of the eighth graders - thank goodness I won!). And then the day got even better.

They started counting up the scores and we heard Crane Middle School had ten points on everyone from last week. Good news. Then there was a sudden death playoff for first, second, and third place individual overall champions. And we took first and second! Go Austin and Brett!

Then we waited some more and before I knew it, we were being handed the trophy and crowned Yuma Area Junior Golf Foundation Champions of 2007! Woo hoo! It was pretty exciting. Most of our kids had gone home by then, the match had been over an hour and they don't have much say in how they get home but we had two boys left at the end, Keilor and J.D. (pictured above), and they were estatic to accept the trophy on behalf of their teammates. And I was so proud! I cannot wait to go to school tomorrow and brag on our boys!

So it was a good day, a very good day. And tonight as I sat on the couch, exhausted from an eleven and a half hour day, all I could do was look at that trophy (we didn't want to leave it in the car so it could be stolen!) and smile. What a great feeling!


Anonymous said...

That's a pretty snazzy trophy. Congrats. -Sus

The World through Angel's Eyes said...

Incredible, awesome, fantastic, great, super, fabulous!!!! I think this is just fantastic news and you and your team certainly earned it! What a great blessing in the middle of a crazy week. Can't wait to hear more about it.