Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Last week the mother (who is a teacher in my district) of a student of mine emailed me with a little quiz: favorite foods, stores, hobbies, etc. So I answered and went on my way. Then Monday morning I came in to find this basket on my desk! I was so surprised. She had collected everything she thought I'd like: a water bottle for yoga, scrapbooking pages and embellishes, bookmarks (because I love to read!), an itunes gift card, my favorite candies, plus things for my classroom - lots of magnets, markers and a fun pointer!
As I look at this basket this week I am constantly reminded of how thankful this child is to me, and I think about all the others who don't have parents who take them to do something like this. I am grateful. But I am also grateful for what she has reminded me, that it's important to show and tell others how much you appreciate them and what they do.
It's been a busy week at school: assemblies, locker clean-out, today's extravaganza (see Ang's blog), etc. but I am trying to remember to tell my kids and the staff members at school how much I appreciate them. I think the kids especially don't hear it enough. We focus so much on "the squeaky wheels" - the trouble makers and not enough on the good kids, the average kids who just do their jobs.
So that's my resolution tonight, to show more gratitude to those around me. I certainly appreciate thanks (and reese's!) when I get it and I know others do too.

1 comment:

brickmomma said...

Sweet! That is so thoughtful. Isn't it nice to be appreciated? Can't wait to see you! Love you much~