Monday, September 15, 2008


(And yes, I'm knocking on wood!)

Not a single ant has been seen in this house today. I'm pretty excited since last week both of our pantries were invaded. Then my bedroom was invaded, then the bathroom, and it became a process. I had to clean out the areas, spray them down with poison (yes, I'm killing them, the poison kills on contact and let me tell you, it was war!), then wait until it dries, wash out the cupboards (we all know how terrified I am of poisons after the toilet bowl cleaner incident) or the areas and put everything back. A process.

But no ants is good news so I am keeping my fingers crossed. I get that I'll have them occasionally but I'd prefer them away from the food and beds, that's all I ask really.

In other news I had a job interview today. It went well - I got offered the job. But it turns out they wanted me to get paid for the job I interviewed for but actually perform a pretty involved job. So I said no. It was hard at first, I thought about it all day, talked it over with my friends and family but in the end decided it wasn't where God wants me right now.

So tomorrow I'll look for other job opportunities (and Dad will keep helping I'm sure! My dad rocks, he found me several leads today, including the opportunity to be an extra!) and work on finishing this novel. I'm a quarter of the way through Harold's story and it's coming along. Only thirteen days until I start school - I can't wait!!!

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