Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The List

I am looking at my to-do list (the one I did not create during class tonight, no siree bob!). There are 23 items on it. I've crossed one item off since I've been home tonight. Yeah, 22 more to go. Things that all need to be accomplished this week. And I didn't include laundry (except the laundry I need to do for Homeless Lunch) or grocery shopping (I am thinking a fast is in order) or social events (I'm going to hear a radio play be performed Friday night) or catching up on 3 weeks worth of television shows I've been neglecting. Yeah, I'm a little busy. But it's all good, right?!?! Right!

Today I started my training for my new job with the University of Phoenix. It's exactly like an online course, the training, so if you've ever taken one you know there's a lot of "posting" in the online forums in addition to "assignments" and such. It's a four-week long process and I am hoping it will be quick and painless. Fingers crossed.

Also I'm about to turn in my expanded beat sheet for class which means I'm about to "go to script" - the golden words every writer wants to hear from a studio or producer. "Going to script" means I actually get to start writing pages, the real deal! I'm excited!!!! So yeah, between that, training, trying to finish my novel, and the other 20 things on the list, I'll be keeping my nose to the old grind stone.

It's good though. So good. I am blessed. I was not in the line at the Homeless Lunch today but instead humbled by being able to serve. I have a roof over my head (even if it's been invaded by ants AGAIN!) and enough to eat. I am doing something I love and some day I will be out of debt. Some day soon! (Yes, it's true - I am following the Oprah-esque philosophy on this one, think it and it will be.)

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