Saturday, January 10, 2009

Us Pesky Hecklers!

Last night I did something new, in my quest to get out and do new things in Los Angeles. I went with eight friends to The Comedy Store on Sunset Boulevard.

My friend Michael's dad, Leon, was one of the stand-up comics performing, along with about twenty others. I was surprised we had so many and I do have to admit that some of it was hilarious and some of it was just bad and sad. But it was fun, it was fun to go out and hang with a group of friends I normally only see on Sundays at church, it was fun to laugh and talk and be doing something besides school and writing and the normal every day stuff. And I'm trying to think but I may have only been to one other stand up show before. So that was an experience in and of itself.

It was fun, even at the end when it was literally our group and two other girls left in the whole room. The second to last comic was great, he had more of a conversation and I know he didn't get to do any of his own jokes but he went with it and we enjoyed him and complimented him profusely after. However, the last comic of the night, when it was just us left, was rude and didn't want anyone talking. I get that, I get wanting to have your moment but I also get that we'd paid money and it was almost one o'clock and we didn't really have to be sitting there. And when you're the last comic out of twenty to go on, you've gotta roll with the punches I say. And this guy didn't.

About five minutes into the show, he turned mean. Pauley was "heckling" him in his words, and while were all just wanted to have fun, he obviously didn't want an interactive show and he turned on us. And that's when I stood up and said, "I'm out. I'm uncomfortable and I'm leaving." Yeah, right in the middle of everything. So I hugged everyone and left, and he continued on about how the others had driven us from the room and then within seconds, everyone filed out behind me. It was interesting!

We hung around in the parking lot area for about half an hour, talking to other comics and just enjoying each other which was by far the best part of the night. And I certainly think the ending made the night more memorable for all of us!


brickmomma said...

how strange.

Yay for you for standing up and being true.

Love you-

Angela said...

I think that's the second time you got me "kicked" out of somewhere!