Monday, August 24, 2009


I have a Life's Little Instruction calendar on my desktop and occasionally the message really hits home. Sometimes they're things like: Never turn down a chance to participate in a small-town parade. (I don't - I even found proof when I was home a few weeks ago, a thank you note from Republican Congresswoman (I think she won once, not sure) Susan Grimes Munsell and a picture of me in my t-shirt!) But sometimes they're things like:

Think big. Plan big. Announce big. Timid, feeble dreams don't excite anyone.

I've stuck that one up on my whiteboard so it's staring me down. It's reminding me that everyone knows why I moved to Los Angeles. That every time I go home, I get asked how my writing's going. I get asked if I've sold anything or gotten a job writing. It's a little like peer pressure. But it's more than that. It's me pressure.

So today I'm digging back in. I'm refocusing. I had a great vacation at home. I read some books. I slept. I ate too much. But now I'm back. As I type a draft of Operation Gold Digger is being printed. I've gone back through all my notes from UCLA and made a rewriting checklist. I'm going in.

Because before the end of September I'm going to send my script to two managers and a production company executive -- all of whom have promised to read it. So here goes nothing!


Writer Monkey said...

YEAH! I love hearing things like that.

Anonymous said...

your a winner. Dad