Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day

My dad is a veteran. He served in the Air Force for several years before I was born. He lived in Greece and Taiwan and has some pretty cool pictures and stories to tell. But the coolest thing of all? He volunteered, when he was just a teenager, to serve his country. To join the military at a time when the country was at war, and to go wherever they sent him. Do whatever they asked of him. And for that, and for the service he gave, I can never thank him enough.  

I am constantly amazed at the sacrifice that these men and women who join the military make. What they endure, what they accomplish, what they give up, what they provide. There simply are not enough words to express how grateful I am for what they give us. We live in a country where we can walk down the street without fear of suicide bombers or terrorist attacks and I generally feel safe. Too many people in our world cannot say that. And a large part of that safety is a direct result of the work put in by the women and men who serve us. 

I come from a long line of military family members. Along with my dad, two of my grandfathers and my grandmother served. Countless friends and other relatives have put on uniforms and taken orders, leaving those of us at home to do the only thing we can: pray. And today, for all the veterans and for all those currently serving, I do just that. I pray and I say thank you. Thank you, for what you left there, for what you brought back, and for what you continue to give to us today.

1 comment:

Writer Monkey said...

As I am catching up on your posts, I am so very grateful for this one. It is nice to see those who still care for our veterans. Thank you for this.