Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

Ten things I am thankful for today…

1.     Funny and interesting podcasts that keep me engaged while I work.
2.     That Angela has found an acupuncturist who can help her manage her migraines, and who’s become an amazing friend to both of us.
3.     “Get Fuzzy” collections that make me laugh and laugh and laugh. Reading a few pages always puts a smile on my face.
4.     That I have a job and Angela has a job, even though they aren’t the ones we want, because 9500 more LAUSD employees are getting laid off this month.
5.     My Growth Group (aka Bible study group) at church. We’ve been studying the book of Romans for months now and we’re still going strong and we keep finding little tangents to go off on (this week was what exactly is the Holy Spirit). I love those 85 minutes each Sunday morning.
6.     My writers’ group who are really excited about my new baseball pilot. They’re excitement and questions keep me seated at my desk when I so don’t want to be here.
7.     People who go out and do things to make their lives happen. My friend Margy self-published her first novel this past month and that is so inspiring.
8.     Daylight Savings Time. I’m probably the only one who loves the jumping forward and losing an hour because I love love love that it’s light past five o’clock at night. It feels like I got the coolest gift of time!
9.     The 13 people who’ve contributed to the Revlon5K I’m walking to kick cancer’s butt. I’ve raised $505 dollars so far and it’s still almost two months away!
10. Wool socks. Yep, even in Los Angeles my feet get chilly.

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