Thursday, December 31, 2015


I can't say I'm sad to see this year end. It's been a ride. It started in Michigan, and as usual ends in Michigan. I love that part. But then the start quickly morphed into a nightmare back in January. Bedrest for a nonexistent ailment. Pulmonary embolism. Blood clots in both legs. Gallstone the size of a diamond I'll never wear. Kidney issues. Liver issues. Autoimmune issues. Doctors appointments. Emergency rooms. Being taken care of. Being sick.

It was just a lot.

There were moments when I was sure I wasn't gonna make it. Like when I was in the heart wing of a hospital I'd never even heard of before, two nurses hovering over me, wondering why the machines were going off and my temperature was too high.

There were also moments that I long to relive over and over. Floating in the waves at Waikiki Beach. Sitting around the campfire with my family. Dancing with my dad. Laughing with my sister. Surprising my mom with my learning to knit.

It wasn't a bad year. It just wasn't all that great. But it had it's moments.

This Christmas season spent in the Mitten has been wonderful. Lots of family and friends and parties and dinners. Books read. Puzzles put together. Presents opened. Movies watched. It'll go on for another week. I love that.

But the rest? We'll just chalk that up to the year being done and we'll pack it up and maybe let the sensations dull a bit.

I am positive the new year will be better. I am positive it holds many wonderful, exciting new adventures, opportunities and experiences. I have to believe that or there's no reason to get out of bed tomorrow morning.

So here's to making it out of 2015 alive! And to starting 2016 anew!

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