Wednesday, December 08, 2021

My Advent Devotion for the Season

Luke 3: 1-6

“Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low…”


Christmas has always been my favorite season. My heart brightens at the sight of the first Christmas lights spotted on a dark drive. My voice belts out every and any Christmas song I hear. I get way too much joy from wrapping packages and laying them beneath the tree. And yet…this season has felt different. 


Last year we had to make the best of things. We sacrificed being with family and friends for the greater good. We celebrated in our homes, alone or with our housemates, watching gifts be opened on Zoom, singing the Christmas Eve carols with a virtual congregation. So this year, when I booked our tickets to fly home, across the country, for Christmas, I thought my heart might sing. I thought my cup of joy would overflow. But it hasn’t…yet. 


Last year was hard. We lost so many, so much. And I thought this year would be different. And it is. But it is its own kind of hard too. We wonder what is next. We wonder if we’re doing the right thing. But isn’t that every year? Should we spend the money? Should we change jobs? Should we trust that it will all be OK? 


John the Baptist reminds us in this passage to prepare the way for the Lord’s coming, which is what Advent is all about. He reminds us to be content, to share, to prepare. Sounds simple enough. But then why am I not as joyous as I want to be? Why do I feel a sense of fear and dread? 


Because even though there are scary things out there, and genuine things to worry about, I have lost sight of what this season is really about. It’s not about the travel or the gifts or the songs. It’s about preparing the way for the Lord’s arrival. It’s about preparing for that baby who has come to save us all. And isn’t that glorious? The rough ways will be made smooth by Him…and all of that work happens right here within me. An important reminder as the season takes hold. 


Prayer – 

Lord, thank you for this season. For this reminder. For your gifts, big and small. A tiny baby, a unique snowflake, a friend’s laugh, a soft hug, a nudge to make the right choice. Thank you for, literally, everything. 

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