Thursday, April 27, 2006


Last night on Alias Will says to Sydney that his head is beeping. It was great. Not just that line but the whole freaking show. Seriously. But now to my own Ka...BOOM. My head is about to explode. It could possibly be an aneurysm. Or just the fact that I am grading research papers and out of 5 I have graded so far - they all are horrible! No one followed directions. No one cited research correctly, even though we had library presentations from real, honest to goodness, certified librarians, even though there's this new tool on the web that if you plug the info in - out shoots a perfect reference page. I mean really - how difficult is this? There is evidence that papers were done mere moments before, that typos have been scratched out and "s" or "ed" added in pencil. Oh, and did I tell you these are COLLEGE STUDENTS. Who have had the research paper assignment for about TEN WEEKS. And all they had to do was watch a movie and relate 3 communication concepts to it. And relate it to their own lives. Oh - and it's worth 25% of their final grade. A quarter of their grade.
I'm so angry I could spit. Think I'd better set them aside for a while:-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that you're "so angry I could spit" I've never heard that, nor did I realize that you spit when angry...
