Monday, April 17, 2006

Office Space

I'm in my "office" at school. It's really a room with 4 desks, a computer (with slow internet, which is odd given the school is wireless) and 5 chairs. It's full of papers and books and calendars and notes long forgotten or stowed and wished to be forgotten. I'm doing my "office hours" for the week and of course, no one has come to see me. No one has ever come to my office hours here. You'd think they would as I just figured grades so far (with only 2 classes left after tonight) and I have a greater percentage failing than getting As. And I give extra credit for coming to my office hours and I'll help them. But still - no visitors. So I work, I read, I surf the web. I blog:-)
I just had a copyright issue, couldn't get things copied for class because they had a copyright C at the bottom. Goodness. As if teaching were not hard enough without this crap. Plus, I know the rules and I know as long as I am making one copy per student for a class it's legal. But no no says the printer. So I trudged down to the crappy self copier and did it myself, wasting money, time, and trees (these copiers don't do back to back). Life is insane at times.
But I had a good weekend for those of you who care -
I learned to wallpaper. A skill my mother and my Marilyn assure me I will take with me for the rest of my life. So if anyone needs any wallpapering done in the next few months - I'm for hire. Only $100 a roll (hey, I'm not stupid, and even though I just learned to wallpaper, I know it's not that easy!). But it was fun, and I am glad I know how to do it now, and how to put in a new dishwasher (another weekend project) and how to do stuff around the house. I also collected sticks in the yard but surprisingly I remembered how to do that from my last 25 years of doing it:-)
Have a good night y'all - I'm off to teach about conflict, specifically managing conflict. We'll see what comes of it!


Anonymous said...

I know this has nothing to do with Office Space or weekend projects but...
I like the new color scheme. The titles in a nice bold orage really set off the blog.
I have a question for you. How many times did you attend your professors office hours? I know I rarely did. Maybe it wouldn't have taken me an eternity to get my BSEE if I had asked a few more one on one questions with the prof.

Angela said...

To answer Rick's question, I went to my professor's office hours three times and twice I ended up crying. So I gotta say I wouldn't be first in line either. Sorry Bera.