Thursday, June 01, 2006

Mission Accomplished

I saw Mission: Impossible III today and can I just say - it rocked! I was entertained completely and believe I got my $2.50's worth! I was a Mission: Impossible fan from the first flick and find these movies just good fun. This one was by far the best. I may be a bit biased in my love for all things J.J. Abrahms but it's worth it, check it out. There are elements of Alias throughout the whole movie which I loved (starting with the party scene - Weiss is so great!!!) and then with the handler meet at the grocery story - vintage Vaughn/Syd first season. So great. And Phillip Seymour Hoffman was terrific as the villian - so scary, I don't want to meet him in a well-lit alley;-)
Again, great movie - and some twists and turns I wasn't expecting. Also, Tom Cruise is great. Gotta say - regardless of all the crap lately, he's good in this. Really good. And there were strong women characters too which I loved, makes me want to do some more tae bo quick!
Off to bed - need to get my rest so I'm all ready for Kenny Chesney tomorrow night!!!!! Woohoo - look out Grand Rapids;-)


Angela said...

I am sooo jealous that you get to see Kenny! Have fun and sing extral loud for me!

Anonymous said...

If you see that woman that was with Kenny at the ACM awards kick her butt with your Tae Bo moves. Then give him my number. I can't believe you get to see Kenny two years in a row. --Sus

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.