Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Tonight at 9:41pm I will officially be unemployed - again. This is not a new experience for me, as every time a quarter or a semester or a contract ends, I become unemployed. But this time it feels different. Maybe because in July I will begin a full-time job with regular hours (hopefully no night classes!) and a regular non-contract paycheck!
Packing and sorting is going well - I haven't written at all, which is sad but true. I will start again next week if not tomorrow. I promise I will!
You all waiting for more chapters inspire me. Plus, I have an endgame in mind:-)

1 comment:

The World through Angel's Eyes said...

I know that I won't be much help in the motivation department, but I HATE packing. I admire for being so determined to get it done.
The adventure start date is closely approaching. I continue to pray for you-I know there are a lot of emotions about it all.
How are you? I need to call you sometime so that we can chat about 6 Feet Under- I love that show!