Friday, July 28, 2006

My first week

I graduated from induction this morning! Woohoo - I got a certificate, a handbook, and a compass (that doesn't work so much). It was pretty exciting. The best part is I get to work in my classroom now! That's what I'm headed to do after lunch today. I've already got the chairs arranged so I can walk in front, behind, and around all my students.
Said students arrive a week from Monday which is pretty exciting. Next week we have meetings Wed and Thurs and open house on Friday. Mon and Tues are non-compensation days which means...LONG WEEKEND:-)
Angela and I will be going to San Diego Monday!
Ok, I am off to the bank and then to school. I'll update you all more this weekend!


brickmomma said...

You are a teacher! Wahooooooo!!
Thanks SO MUCH for the wonderful package that arrived yesterday, what a treat!! I love you, jamee

Laura said...

You got a compass? Like, the North South East West kind, or the old fashioned figuring kind? That is pretty unusual!

Don't let the kids drive ya crazy!