"What do we want?"
"Equal rights!"
"When do we want them?"
This was the chant we heard most often yesterday as we rallied on City Hall. And can I just tell you, it was a very cool experience. There were 12,000 of us - yes, TWELVE THOUSAND PEOPLE, who congregated downtown Los Angeles to protest the passing of Proposition 8 here in California, which bans gay marriage and gay rights. I went with about 40 members of my church, Hollywood United Methodist, on the subway (which was so crowded we were literally nose to nose - good thing Ang and I are on friendly terms) downtown where joined up with everyone else.
It was very cool to hear the mayor, council members, members of Congress, representatives from groups like the Southern Christian Leadership Conference which was founded by MLK, jr. and more, speak out against this violation of basic civil rights. It was very cool to see teachers, ministers, old, young, black, hispanic, white, gay and straight all standing together, peacefully, to try and make a difference.
We listened then we walked. And walked and walked. We walked over two subway stations away from where we started - we ended up in Chinatown. By the time we ended I had blisters on my feet and my arms are still sore today from helping to hoist the church's banner.
And while I'm tired and sore and sunburned, I'm glad I went. I'm glad I helped be a voice in this cause. I'm glad I stood next to my friends and heard what some wise people had to say. I'm glad I was there. I'm glad - that in the midst of this divisive fight, I was a representative of God's love.
And my friend Pauley took some cool videos of the whole affair - check them out at http://www.youtube.com/user/pauleygram!
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