Now I grew up watching the Oscars, not religiously but we'd usually watch the red carpet, ooh and ah over the dresses, etc. Sometimes we'd watch a few awards but usually go to bed before the big ones were given out - I'm still not sure why they insist on a telecast that often times goes until midnight or after in the east - and find out who won in the morning. Some years were more fun than others, when I'd actually seen a movie or two that had been nominated. This year was very different.
Since I started film school at UCLA in September I've watched 40 movies and read 22 scripts. Many of them nominated for awards Sunday. I'm pretty sure this is more movies than I've seen in many other years combined. So I felt like I knew what was going on (maybe this is how a lot of arm-chair quarterbacks feel about the Superbowl). I predicted my share of winners and losers and could intelligently discuss many of the films and performances nominated (I still have absolutely no love for costume design or any of that, and yes, I know it's important but still - give those awards in non-prime time!).
This year I decided to watch the Oscars at our church, where they have a party every year. I was quickly pulled onto the planning committee (amidst my protests) and ended up having a lot of fun. We spent over four hours decorating on Saturday and then a good portion of Sunday preparing as well. We ate, we got our pictures taken on the red carpet and with our own Oscars, we predicted the winners, we gave out door prizes and we were in community. I think that was the best part of all.
I loved cheering for Sean Penn's win along with everyone else in the room, I loved snarking over some of the dresses and hairstyles with my friends, I loved getting all dressed up and feeling a part of it all.
A wonderful night to celebrate a wonderful year of film. My first year in the business and at the party. Certainly not my last on either account.
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