Thursday, February 12, 2009


I know some of you out there have been following the rat tales closely. Some of you have requested the problem be dealt with before visits are scheduled (working on it Mom). And some of you have had laughing fits over our predicament (you know who you are).

Well, after the last exterminator visit I wasn't feeling so great. I was told there were no more rats since we hadn't caught any in over two weeks. I was told there still was only one way for them to get in (the front freaking door). I was told that avocado in the traps was a last ditch effort.

And then the noise got worse. Angela described it as rats bowling in our attic and that was pretty accurate. And then the noise stopped and I thought, maybe, just maybe, I was crazy and it had been a squirrel or possum on the roof.

And then the exterminator came back today. AND I WAS VINDICATED. Yep, we got TWO MORE RATS. Take that men who called me crazy (with a look of course). Take that landlord who still hasn't called for a second opinion (I've learned that the attic should be cleaned out now, because there's obviously rat poop up there but our exterminators "don't do that"). Take that RATS!

So yeah, we still have rats. Hopefully come June they'll be gone (when Mom is coming). Hopefully the bowling league has ended and the last strike thrown.

In other news - the VUE is running fine. I still need to take her in to get a checkup and the back latch fixed but you know how it goes, the squeaky wheel gets the oil and nothing's squeaking right now.

I've finished my script, per my teacher's instructions, I'm putting it away for a while before a final polish when I submit it to the UCLA screenwriting contest. And that means, yep yep, I'm starting all over again with a new idea. I think I've got a fun one - straight up comedy this time, and I have an actor in mind which makes it fun to imagine him in the role. And yes, the main character is a guy so that'll be a new experience writing for me too.

I'm still working on the novel, need to start rewriting and weed through the list of agents and publishing houses I've been researching. Talk about a process.

Oh, and, the new job is going well. I'm teaching two English classes for the University of Phoenix and it's taken a lot more time than I anticipated but I'm finally getting into the swing of teaching online and all that goes with that. Best thing? Working in my pjs at 12am so I can write the next morning. Worst thing? Working in my pjs at 12am. :-)

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