Monday, June 28, 2010


I have been in Howell for two and a half weeks now and I'm enjoying it so. Besides seeing family and friends and playing a lot of golf I'm enjoying being unwired, untethered from my computer. Yes, I'm still working and yes I'm still checking Facebook, etc. but I'm not sitting at it for ten hours every single day. And I am loving it.

True, I am not writing very much of anything. But I think my brain and my back/neck needed the break. I'm reading books, spending time just sitting with people, leaving my phone on silent more often, even leaving it home. And it's bliss.

Just over a week to go -- maybe I can find a little more balance when I get back to L.A....

1 comment:

Writer Monkey said...

Time away makes you a better writer. Trust me, I know from experience. Enjoy being away from LA. I hear it is 10 times crazier than ATL and the traffic is horrendous, so enjoy being out of the city.