Friday, December 15, 2006

Leavin' on a jet plane...tomorrow

It's done! We survived this crazy pre-three-week-vacation week at school and it was pretty smooth. Today was the holiday assembly and we sang, we slimed a teacher (not me thank goodness), wrapped teachers in paper, heard the band, and sat through a lot of screaming. But the kids seemed to really enjoy it and there were no big to-dos!
I came home after and crashed, slept a while and now am getting ready for my flight tomorrow! Off to good old Michigan - woohoo!
Okay, I need to get some traveling rest, goodnight all!


brickmomma said...

are you in MI??? Merry Chirstmas! I will call this week, I miss you so! I love you~

brickmomma said...

Um, I meant ChRistmas~