Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Snowflake Bentley

Today I read a story to my kids, the book Snowflake Bentley about this guy who first photographed snowflakes. They were really into it which was pretty cool. Over half of them have never seen real snow. They couldn't believe snowflakes were a.)so small and b.)actually shaped like they are and c.)no two are exactly the same.
After we read it we began coloring this intricate snowflakes I copied from a book and they were really getting into it. I put on Christmas music and we were all in good moods. We're also decorating our classroom door for the door-decorating contest and I think we have an awesome theme (though the kids are a bit skeptical). I have them put blue paper on the back and then I printed out a sign that reads "Each of us in this room is unique, just like every snowflake." Then we're going to put our snowflakes up on it. I am not sure we'll win, there are some teachers with lights and wrapping paper and crazy chains of red and green but I love our door so far and it can stay up well into January!
So yeah, we aren't doing much in class these next two days which rocks. We'll finish our snowflakes (and our origin myths for those slower students), read a bit more, and listen to more Christmas music. They really like the James Tayor Jingle Bells I got free off of itunes last week! There was even some spontaneous dancing! And in seventh hour we played the song five times.
So yeah, today was a good day! We had a fun (gasp!) staff meeting during which we played a white elephant game (I got a cool wooden snowman) and then I had my monthly new teachers' meeting which even though I usually dread the extra time after work, was good today. Basically we just talked about what's working and what's not in our classrooms and that was pretty cool. Plus it's nice to catch up with the people I went through induction with and don't always see on a regular basis as they aren't in my hallway, on my team, or in my department.
So tomorrow it's bus duty, more snowflakes, maybe we'll read Stranger in the Woods, and then more packing because I head to Michigan in 57 hours! Woohoo! Oh, and Ang is home in Howell, released from the hospital. Today rocks!

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