Sunday, December 03, 2006

Solidarity, sister!

Angela is requesting I blog in support of her outrage and so I am. We just got back from the United States Post Office. Where, in big, bold, bright letters the sign proclaims you can do all your mailing 24/7. Yet, this is not true. It was 10:45pm when we got there and guess what - yep, that's right. We couldn't mail a darn thing. The computer that allows you to mail packages was down for daily maintenance. The machine that sells stamps was out of service. Now you might ask why in the world we were trying to mail things at 10:30 on a Sunday night. Well you see, we are both sick. And this weekend was trashed because of that. I have done little more than lie in bed the last 3 days and I will continue to do so tomorrow. But I did manage to get 2 Christmas packages ready to mail this weekend and they need to go out. And since the post office is only open 8am-5pm, the exact hours we work just about, we decided to go tonight. But alas, our plan was foiled.
When does life ever get easier?!?!?!
Angela fought with Sprint on the phone this morning over our wireless bill and still, nothing is fixed. They charged me 10 bucks for a roaming call from Tijanuana. Yet I have never been to Tijanuana. And that day when they said I called my parents from there I distinctly remember driving on a road here in Yuma county. Interesting! Oh yeah, and every month they forget our educator's discount and no, they certainly can't make it retroactive because then everyone could call up and claim to work for a public school. Even though they made us bring pay stubs in back in June! And then they keep tacking on this Sprint vision charge for the internet yet we emphatically said we didn't want the internet on our phones! Oy vay!!!
It's all a conspiracy to make our lives difficult.
So yeah, there you go. Those are my rants for today. I am heading to bed with my Kleenex and water bottle and homemade cough syrup. And I plan on staying there tomorrow!


Gracie said...

Boy does the United States Post office hate you guys or what? I have never heard of someone who has this many problems with the Post office! Hope you guys get well soon!

Oh and we had problems with Sprint too. If you go into the store they are usually much more helpful than on the phone. Joe managed to get us a continued discount on our bill because they screwed it up so bad. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Not that I don't understand your frustration but how could one family have so many ordeals with the post office? How irritating for you. I guess it's the federal government in general for you since you had issues in MI too. Maybe you should become the postmaster general then you can straighten things out. Just a thought. --Sus