Friday, December 11, 2009


Hollywood United Methodist Church puts out an Advent Devotional each year written by members. Today's entry is written by me:

Luke 3:15 – 18

John answered, saying unto them all, “I indeed baptize you with water, but one mightier than I cometh…he shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.”

When I first read my scripture assignment I thought, “Well, that’s not very Christmasy”. And then I let it sit for a while. And then, slowly, I started to realize that no, it’s not Christmasy in the way we usually think of Christmas but it’s exactly what God wants from us this time of year.

John is telling us that Jesus is coming, that he’s just preparing us for what lays ahead: the Holy Spirit and fire. Fire! Can you imagine? Jesus is coming and he’s bringing fire!

What does that mean to you? What do you think you should do to celebrate that Spirit and fire this advent season? To me, it means I need to be excited. I need to engage more and complain less. I need to not worry that most of my extended family has given up the traditional gift giving protocol and focus on doing more for those I love with what I have.

So I’m going to listen carefully to John: Jesus is coming. He’ll be here and gone (at least in the Christmas season ideal) before I know it. So I’m going to spend time with friends instead of worrying that I can’t give them shiny new trinkets and packages. I’m going to spoil my parents rotten with homemade gifts and goodies and one-on-one time. I’m not going to fret about what to get my grandparents who don’t need or want anything and instead sit with them and talk, and more importantly, listen.

This Christmas season I’m going to listen to John, I’m going to trust that he’s preparing me to enjoy this holiday of worship and I’m going to do my best to do just that. Even if it looks a little different than it has in the past. Baptism makes us new and I’m going to embrace the newness that this holiday season is laying in front of me.

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