Monday, October 31, 2011

Clowin' around

Last Monday a box arrived in the mail from my parents. My birthday had passed and I wasn't expecting anything so I ripped it open with much curiosity. And inside I found a little piece of my family's history -- the clown costumes you see above and below.

My mom made these costumes back around 1979, and they've been worn by countless members of my family and peer group ever since. First by my parents and myself and most recently by Angela and I at our Halloween party Saturday night. But what was even more exciting than receiving the costumes in the mail was the memories they brought flooding back.

Halloween was always done right in my house. Each year we'd have a sloppy joe supper with the Roxberry family and then we'd bundle up and go out trick or treating. We'd hit Grandma MacDonald's house, Grandma and Grandpa Boutell's house, and Grandma Eileen's house for sure, and whatever else we ran into in between. There were years when no one saw our costumes because it was so cold we had to wear coats and hats and mittens. There were years it poured rain all night. Years we could barely fit in the Astro van doors (the year Angela and I went as a pair of dice) and years we wore elaborately homemade costumes lovingly sewed by our moms. Regardless, each year -- Halloween was special. And I love that. I love that it meant family time - even when I was older, I'd always volunteer to pass out candy and hang out watching the holiday specials on TV with whoever else stuck around. Halloween wasn't about the candy or the costumes as much as it was about the experience, the being together, the laughter and the fun. And it still is.

We had a wonderful party Saturday night with friends from all over Los Angeles - friends who'd never met each other before that night but who chatted and ate and laughed and enjoyed themselves. And yes, we clowned around. So thanks, Mom and Dad. I love that you shared these costumes with us. I love that I get to carry on the tradition. And I love that I have the picture above to remind me of those very first clowns! Happy Halloween everyone!


Puggleville said...

What a cool story! Your family has so many fun traditions. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a great memory. Marilyn and I laughed one day-Why oh Why did we make fancy decorated cakes when you had all that candy.
It was so much fun, amazing what working parents can do.
I saved your first clown suit, maybe Jack will wear it next year.
So glad you had a great party.
Hugs Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah,
Love your blog this week. I look almost every day to see if you have written more. I hear more from you than your Mom. [ha] Guess I will have to give her a call. I know she is busy., Sounds like you guys are doing good. Thanks for the card, I fell on my face in the driveway a week or so ago. I am really a mess. Had a cat scan done . All was good , I just have to wait till the black and blue spots go away . I walk the dog early in the morning so no one will see me.!!!!!! Oh, Well . It will get back to normal in time.
Just keep writing. I really enjoy it.

Love you , Helen