Sunday, April 08, 2012


This Easter week has been very different from last year's. Last year I was in Michigan, spending Maundy Thursday and Good Friday preparing to bury my Grandmother, then Saturday actually burying her. By the time Easter Sunday rolled around last year, it was all my family could do to gather at the table and lean on one another while eating candy for breakfast. It true, eggs and fruit were served alongside large bowls of chocolates and jelly beans. But strangely enough, it was exactly where I wanted to be last year, and frankly, where I'd rather be this year. Home. With my family. But it wasn't to be...

So instead, Angela and I set out to make this year's Easter a cheery one here in California. We pulled out the decorations, including the Easter baskets my Mom made for us when we were very little that she delivered to L.A. last year, and made sugar cookies in the shape of bunnies and eggs and lambs...

And tomorrow? Well, later today, since it's well after midnight now, we'll head off to church, a service that I'm sure will be packed to the gills and we'll praise the fact that our Savior is risen once again. A fact that I actually thank God for on more days than just this Sunday every spring. And then we'll have friends over to eat said cookies and celebrate the wonder that is living in this glorious world here on earth.

Easter. A feeling. A belief. Bunnies in baskets and marshmallow Peeps. Christ on the cross, who walks again. Easter. A time to celebrate. A time to start fresh. A time to remember. A time to rejoice.  Easter. 

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