Friday, January 11, 2013


So somehow it got to be January 11th already, 2013. Yep, we're 11 days in folks. I cannot believe it. Here's what's happened in those 11 days:
  • I read the new Dick Wolf (creator of Law and Order) book "The Intercept" and it was really good!
  • I saw my grandparents' new apartment - their third in a year - and it's very nice! I also managed to break and fix their new coffeepot. 
  • I got to hug and squeeze and spend time with some of my family before flying back to L.A. I love that!!!!
  • I spent some quality time with my DVR which was almost empty when I left for the holidays and was 99% full when I got back. There's some good TV on right now people! Downton Abbey! Chicago Fire! Justified! Cougar Town! Suburgatory! So much!
  • I read half of the Kathy Reichs book "Flash and Bones". The TV show Bones is based on these books and while they're very different, they're very good. Big recommend from me. 
  • I started back at the University of Phoenix. After a two week break for the holidays we're back in the classroom, ready or not!
  • I got my first coach purse! Woohoo! Now I just have to catch up to mom and Ang (they each have two already!). 
  • I packed most of my stuff. I flew across the country. I unpacked. I want a teleporter for my birthday.
  • I went outside without mittens in MI where it was 15 degrees. I went outside with mittens and froze in CA where it was 42 degrees. 
  • I half-setup my new MacBook Pro. I'm still figuring out the other half.
  • I said "YES!" twice already. Part of my new philosophy (not in the new year, it started last fall) is to say, "yes" to as many new things as possible in the hopes of jump starting my career and having a more interesting, impactful life. So far? I've said yes to signing up for Women in Film - a networking organization that's pretty big here in Hollywood. It costs a lot of money (for me, at least) but I am believe it'll be a positive step for my career. And I've also said yes to attending a showrunners panel which I'm very excited about!
Alas, it's been a good 11 days so far. Angela's a little under the weather but overall, we're good! Here's to the best year yet!!!

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