Monday, April 15, 2013

A bowl full of love...

This Christmas morning the grandneighbors, Emma and Lucy (and Jack, but being a baby, he's still a little less active in these interactions), gave Mom, Dad, Angela and I our gifts and excitedly watched as we opened them. I had an inkling of what was inside as their mom had quizzed me a week earlier as to what my parents' favorite kinds of cereal were. Here's what was in the boxes:

The personalized bowls with their little handwriting and drawings, made specifically for each one of us. How much did we love that? Oh, there was also cereal too - but that's long gone now.

I took these pictures last week. Angela and I, Mom and Dad, had used the bowls for over three months. And then one day I left mine in the sink all day and the blue marker on the bottom started coming off on a plate. So it was time to recycle them. But not forget them.

Love drawn with little hands.

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