Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Slumber Party Sisters

A few week's ago I got a really cool invitation in my email. One of those Paperless Post invitations where you have to click the envelope open and the neat little paper invite flies out. I love getting these invites because they're usually from my friend Krista who throws the best soirees. And I knew this one would not disappoint. The invitation said come to a Women in Entertainment Slumber Party (but we wouldn't be spending the whole night, just like when you were too little to stay away from your own bed the whole night). It told us to wear our PJs, to be prepared to watch and talk and enjoy the night. And so off Angela and I went...

We headed to Beverly Hills Friday night in our modified PJs (yoga pants, long sleeved tees, etc.) and left our car with the very fancy (and free!) valet at the super secret screening room. We headed in and immediately I thought, "This is Hollywood."

Twenty five of the comfiest recliners stadium seating-style. Cup holders. Angela's feet didn't touch the ground. Swanky! And all donated by another awesome Woman in Entertainment. Soon the room started to fill, other ladies dressed down and excited to be on this Friday night. We chatted, met new people, exchanged stories and cards, and then quickly settled in. Of course our hostess with the mostess had thought to make goodie bags filled with candy and cozy socks and water bottles and hair ties and notebooks and pens. We giggled and laughed and unwrapped Starbursts and swapped cookies. And then the evening's entertainment began. Krista had invited all of us to submit short films, web series, standup routines, anything and everything we wanted to showcase. About half of the women in the room had something to contribute. (I didn't this time but fingers crossed for next time!) We settled in to watch and I have to say, I spent the entire night completely entertained. After each viewing Krista would ask the woman who's project it was to talk a little about it, and we asked some questions. It was all at once a very intimate portrait of the artists we all are in this circle of friends and also, a fascinating peek at what it means to produce said art.

Our three hours in the theater came and went quickly. We took the sock and group photos before leaving, realizing that although many of us were strangers before the night began, that we were leaving as friends in this crazy business and life we've chosen. It's nights like Friday that give me strength and hope, that prop me up and remind me that I'm not alone in this city, that I'm in fact, not all the different from so many. And I love that. I love that it only took a slumber party, and some shared Starbursts, to remind me that in everything I do, I need sisters. Slumber party sisters.


Anonymous said...

Angelita Teresa
What a super cool experience!

Katie Johnson
Awww love this! What a great retelling of our evening

Jason Ferguson
Looks like fun.

Puggleville said...

What an awesome idea! I would like to suggest something like that with our women engineers' group.