Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Back in January I vowed to get back in shape. To lose weight. To be better to myself. I have and I haven't. For instance, I fell off the WW train last week and stayed off, until Monday. I know better. And then I promised myself starting Monday I would floss EVERY SINGLE DAY. (If there are those of you out there who do this, major props to you. I floss frequently but there are nights when I am almost too exhausted to brush my teeth, much less anything else. And yes, I know better. And yes, I have huge dental charges on my stupid Visa. Whatever.) And then we ran out of floss. And I haven't been to the store yet. Plus, floss is super expensive! (And yes, I know, so are dentures!)

Anyway. I am trying again. Monday I began eating better. I walked in the bedroom while Ang watched TV (raining too hard to walk outside). I did some weight exercises. But I just felt like a loser. And not the Biggest Loser, I wish. (Ang and I went to the bookstore Friday night and read their new jump start book - it didn't tell me the secret. So I didn't buy it.) So today I decided to try again.

I had hopes of joining a gym. Not the expensive gyms I see on every corner. Not the family-friendly YMCA I keep thinking about. Just the Curves by Ang's school that I could walk to and do some weight training at with an instructor for thirty bucks a month. But then I didn't get paid (yeah, STILL haven't seen a penny from UoP) and more doctor/dentist bills came in and then the car insurance bill arrived in my inbox and I realized that I would not be joining a gym. In fact, after almost five years I'll probably have to give up my WW account too (not sure if this is a big loss as I now know the program backward and frontward and sideways but it was always a comfort to have the amenities/encouragement available).

So today I went outside. I got out of my bed (because the heat doesn't work well I was under three blankets working) and laced on the beautiful tennis shoes my mom bought me a year ago and plugged in my trusty iPod and was on my way. And even though I only walked for thirty minutes, it felt good.

I stretched. I ran to the stop sign. I walked slowly to catch my breath. I ran across the street. I smiled when a butterfly almost sideswiped me. I smiled at some kids hanging over the fence yelling at the puppy in the street. I walked really fast while I listed to the Unit's theme song (the original theme song, the only theme song if you ask Ang) over and over again. I tried not to stare at the film shoot in the park. I laughed as the little dog jumped onto the curve and looked like a dog from a cartoon, ears flying behind him, tongue hanging out of his mouth. I sidestepped several mud puddles. I stepped in a clear puddle to clean my shoes (because as June Carter Cash says in Walk the Line - which I just read this morning - "we choose which puddles to step in"). I ran up the hill and realized that was not a good idea. I walked down a street in my neighborhood I've never been on before. I held my face up to the sun and smiled. I ran even though my legs felt tight and my throat burned. I walked some more.

And it all felt good. Being outside. Listening to music, not multitasking for a change. Not thinking about work or writing or bills or money or anything but the song lyrics and whether or not I could run past the green bit of grass to the driveway (I did, and then walked for ten more minutes). It felt so good. And I am grateful for that reminder. That even though the cupboards might be getting bare, the checkbook might be getting lighter, the worries might be piling up, I can still enjoy the beauty of Southern California on a February day. I still have legs that allow me to walk, and occasionally run. I am alive. And all I'm going to do is what I can. Today.


Gracie said...

Amen sister! I've been working out consistently since January. No weight loss yet, but 4.5 inches down in one month. I've always been amazed by the dedication you've showen in the past, and I know you can do it again :)

Writer Monkey said...

I am with you on the weight loss. I am trying, but with two little ones and a military husband, I am lucky to catch a breath. Good for you on getting out there.