Saturday, June 05, 2010

Do you ever...

Do you ever have one of those nights where you're tired and you're kinda sore and you get into bed and all you want to do is go to sleep? And you can't.

Yeah. That's me right now. I came home tonight, watched some TV, read a little and shut off the light. I laid there and thought about the new book I'm reading. Then I started thinking about writing. And my trip back to Michigan next week. And what will happen if Angela has to have surgery. And whether or not I'll get up the gumption to work out again tomorrow. And what I'll buy with the Kohl's cash I have. And whether or not the macaroni salad will still be good on Sunday.

Then I thought about how I shouldn't have eaten both of the peanut butter cookies at lunch. And about how I was kinda mean to Angela when I met her afterschool because I was hot and sweaty from walking over in the sun. Then I thought about the movie I'd seen tonight and if I'll ever have an idea half as good.

Then I thought about the script I finished yesterday. The 69 pages bound and sitting on my desk with my title and my name on the cover. Then I realized I never applied for the church scholarship this year because I hadn't been to church in a few weeks. Then I felt guilty and asked God to please forgive me. And tell me whether or not I should go back to school this fall. And then I thought about if I'd have enough money to go back to school. I tried really hard to remember if my credit cards have any open balances. And then that brought me back to the Kohl's cash and how I really need to stop at Target for dish soap. And maybe some laundry detergent.

And I suppose, if you're still reading, maybe it's because you have had one of those nights. Because it's a quarter after twelve and I'm sitting here in the dark, thankful I took typing in community college so I can type in the dark. Wishing I could go to sleep because tomorrow is a busy day. Lots to do, lots I want to do, including getting up early to make the 12 mile trek to Kohl's so it won't take 2 hours in traffic. Ah, apparently shopping is on the brain.

But yeah, so it's just one of those nights. So I'll go crawl back in bed and read some more and pray sleep comes easily. Sweet dreams to the rest of you...

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