Monday, June 21, 2010

Goodbyes never get easier

Yesterday we said goodbye to our pastor, Reverend Chuck Jacobs, and his wife, Ann. They have been at my parents church here in Howell for 13 years. Part of me was surprised it had been that long but part of me cannot remember the other pastors at the church well at all so I guess it has been that long.

I've experienced my share of goodbyes over the years, to pastors, to jobs, to friends, to relatives, to towns, you name it, I've said goodbye to it. And it never really gets easier. Which I think is a good thing.

As we stood in a circle yesterday, over a 100 of us at just one of the three worship services of the day, and sang Michael W. Smith's "Friends", I cried. Yep. As I often do when saying goodbye. I can't make it through a graduation, a wedding, sometimes even a TV show that's even remotely sad without crying. But I think that's a good thing. I wear my feelings on my sleeves, and my face and my hands and everywhere else. I think too often in our culture it's seen as a weakness to show emotion, particularly tears.

So yesterday I shed some tears. But so did many people around me. And it was really nice to be a part of a community who was mourning, celebrating and sharing.

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