Friday, October 15, 2010

Just another week

Sometimes I feel the need to blog and I don't have much to say. This week has been just another week really. Except for two things. One, I started to feel sickly Sunday night. And Monday morning I woke up with a full-on head cold. Lovely. Now, if you know me (and sadly, Angela experiences this way more than she should have to) you know I hate being sick. No, not like normal people hate it. I HATE IT. I think this is the end. I think my life is over because I'm sick. I start thinking about all the things I should do and can't raise my head enough to do and how I'll doom my career, my job, my life, if I don't and then I start to really freak out. Yeah. It isn't pretty. But there wasn't time for that Monday morning.

Because Monday morning I had a job interview. Yep. An honest to goodness, get the Spanx out of the back of the drawer, make sure the resume's crispy printed, job interview. With professionals I don't know and who don't realize that I normally don't sweat so much or breathe like I'm ninety-seven and smoke twelve packs a day. So yep. Off I went.

The interview went well I must say. I'm always good in interviews. I rarely get the job, I don't know why that is (and please, no need to tell me), but I'm always really good in the room. I think this bodes well for my life as a screenwriter where selling pitches is sometimes the whole shebang. So anyway, I interviewed. It went well. I came straight home and collapsed.

There was some back and forth this week and I sent some references, they sent some emails and then this morning I got the call. I am officially (pending fingerprint and TB clearance) an Educational Consultant for an elementary school in Culver City! Yep. I got the job.

So I guess this week has been pretty exciting. In that, yay, now I'll lay back on the couch and cough my brains out way. But today I made up some of Mom's (and Grandpa's) cough syrup (whiskey, lemon, honey -- don't judge me when I have to go make another batch very soon) and I'm finally starting to feel better. And get really excited about this new experience I'm about to embark on.

I've been feeling that I need to do something, go somewhere, get out into the world for sometime now. No, I'm not quitting my other job. No, I'm not quitting UCLA or writing. This is just 3 hours a day, 5 days a week. But I'll be doing something. Making a difference. And I'm over the moon. I'll be working with first and third graders, helping them with reading and math. (Yes, I'm pretty confident about my third grade math abilities.) This is something I did a while back in Kalamazoo and loved. I've been missing being in a real brick and mortar classroom. I've been missing people, being in the world.

I'm not sure when I'll start but soon. And I'm sure I'll have stories, and more head colds to look forward to (Ang reminded me of the petri dish that is childhood) but I have lots of Airborne. And I'm ready. So ready. So yep, just another week in L.A. Oh, and today starts me birthday weekend! WOO HOO!


Anonymous said...

I think you learned the I hate to me sick from me, so sorry,
Loved the blog, you go girl, you can do any thing you put your mind to,
I hope you have a great birthday week. Hugs Mom

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!! We know you'll be great. And Happy Birthday.... someday you might even be as old as me (math and relative space/age is not really a strong suit of mine). C and D.

Puggleville said...

Congrats on the new job, happy birthday, and get well soon! :)