Saturday, November 13, 2010

The new gig

I've been at my new job a full week now. I'm working as an educational consultant at a public school in a neighboring school district (not LAUSD). And it's going really well. The first few days were very laid back as the teachers I work with (two teachers, one who teaches third grade and one who teaches a second/third grade split) figured out how I best fit into their classroom and their schedule. But as the week wore on I got my chance to start working one-on-one with kids and small groups and I loved it.

I'm doing reading and math intervention and this week it was mostly reading. I am constantly amazed at how many of the writing and reading principles we teach in elementary school are what I find myself reteaching in seventh grade and even college. This week we worked on transitions with my college classes and guess what, we talked about transitions (i.e., headings) in third grade!

I only work in the mornings which is actually really good right now. It leaves me time to come home, do my University of Phoenix job, and get some writing in (on a good day). My body is even adjusting to the earlier wake up call, this morning I woke up bright and early without an alarm!

So all in all, (transition!) it's been a good first week. I'm making friends, I'm learning what's cool with the seven and eight year old set, and I'm getting to be out in the world, making a teeny tiny difference each and every day, which is exactly what I was looking for. Sitting alone in my office, even if I was teaching online, was starting to feel a little too solitary for comfort. And when the new paycheck arrives, I'm sure I'll be even more excited about this new gig.

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