Friday, November 05, 2010

Tiny moments

I just uploaded some new photos into iPhoto and Facebook and I got a little caught up in looking through some old photos I found along the way. Mostly snapshots of every day life taken from my phone or of some craft projects I'd completed and it got me thinking about how much I love taking pictures to remind me of the normal stuff. I once read somewhere (and I have no idea where or who said it) that this person took a photo of their house every day just to have some documentation of the regular everyday things. I loved that. Birthdays and holidays and special occasions are great and I love having way too many photos of those events but I also love having all the other pictures too.

The picture of Angela with newsprint on her nose because she fell asleep outside in the sun, wearing sunscreen, and her magazine fell on her face. The picture of my dad eating a huge sandwich at Canter's. The picture of my mom's first pedicure where she has the best little grin. The picture of my certificate from UoP saying I had completed more training so I could teach more classes. The picture of Gertie, the tiny Beanie Baby giraffe that sits on Angela's dashboard. The picture of the homemade strawberry pie we took to the nursing home to share with my grandma this summer. Sometimes it's so great just to remember the really tiny moments in life...


Angela said...

I love those pictures, well the newsprint one is not so great but...

Puggleville said...

I love the picture of your mom. My mom never had a pedicure, but I know she would have enjoyed it if she had.