Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Not stuck in the middle

I'm having a hard week writing-wise. The problem is I'm not in the middle of a project. I have to start a new project. Yes, there are some rewrites I should do. Do I want to? No. Not right now. The scabs are just healing and I need them gone before I just sit and pick. I need fresh eyes on those projects. And a real reason to rewrite.

I began a new spec last week - I decided to write an episode of a very popular one-hour drama. I have had this newspaper clip in my files since the fall and it's been marinating, inspiring me to create a story from the idea. And I started to. Then I did some research and today found out that the governor of the state my show is set in might change a law that would make my story obsolete. So I wait and ponder. Again, not writing.

It's a bit frustrating but I'll get through it. I just have to remember that soon enough I'll wish I was done with the new project or just starting again. It was like that before, it'll be like that soon enough again. Until then, I'll read. I'll ponder. I'll finish the Eiffel Tower cross-stitch I'm working on. I'll go for another walk. And I'll try to find solace in one of my favorite quotes:
A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is a visible labor and there is an invisible labor. -- Victor Hugo

1 comment:

Writer Monkey said...

Just remember that God has a plan. It is not our plan, but it is a plan that will get us somewhere eventually. He has opened the doors for you, so wait on him to get you through them. Love the quote. If you need a second set of eyes, email me and I will look over what you have. I have not done editing on your type of writing, but I have done books, articles, and the like, so I can at least give you a heads up if something seems really off.