Monday, August 27, 2012

Jumping in

Last week was one of disruption for me. It wasn't all bad disruption, some of it was quite welcome. A phone call with my grandmother that lasted for over an hour. Multiple chats with my parents and friends. A stolen afternoon at the movies because it's still so hot (and still summer! Even though LAUSD disagrees!). Emails and cries for help from students who are struggling, struggling so.

But some of the distractions were most unwelcome. Last weekend ants invaded my bedroom which is also my office. Ants, no big deal right? Kill a few, swat a few, throw up a little trap thingy do from the store, good to go. Wrong. These ants moved in, invited all of their friends, and then threw open the flood gates for every ant in the neighborhood. They created this ant highway in the corner right above my desk. Needless to say, this was not an ideal work environment. Then when the exterminator finally made it over, we found mold behind my bed. Again. A frantic email and call to the landlord and I decided my office was not worth it and I moved out. Slept on the couch all week. Worked at the table. On the floor. Or just didn't work. At least not writing-wise.

But I was determined to make this week different. The ants are gone (knock on everything!) and the mold, well it's still there but c'est la vie. I'm not about to tear into the drywall so I'll let it be. For now. (Ah, landlords, sigh.) So this morning the first thing I did was clean my desk (it's glass and shows dust and dirt horribly). Took everything off, wiped it down, dried it, organized it, and then got to work.

I have a sign on my desk (see above) that used to hang in my seventh grade classroom. I think it's applicable no matter where I'm working. So that's what I did this morning, took a deep breath and jumped in. To the files. To the classroom. To the spec that's not going to write itself.

Were there distractions today? Yes. Will there be tomorrow? Probably. But guess what? I must push on. Jump in. Regardless. Because frankly, if I don't do my job and tell my stories, who will?

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