Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday & Angela's devotion

It seems like we just celebrated Christmas. And we did, 50 days ago. It seems like it was just January. And it was, 14 days ago. It seems like it shouldn't already be Ash Wednesday but alas, it is. The day we begin the Lenten journey. The day the world talks about ashes on foreheads instead of love in hearts. The day we should see things a little differently, but I'm not sure we do. (And by we, I mean me, always me.) 

But this morning, reading over the devotion Angela wrote for our church's Lenten devotion guide, I was reminded of my need to listen. My need to be humbled by the world that's much bigger than me and my tiny corner. I was reminded that God is the only one who can help me through it because, as I've proven to myself time and time again, there's no way around it. No way. You've got to go right through the middle. And thankfully, God's by my side, on this, Ash Wednesday, throughout Lent and always. 

Here's Angela's devotion: 

Ash Wednesday, February 13th
Read: Psalm 51: 1-17

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.


Each December 31st we are ready to face the new year with a big list of resolutions. Lose ten pounds (or 25), do a juice fast, go back to school, clean the silverware drawer, watch less television, read more, travel often, the list goes on and on. Fast forward to today, a month and half into the new year, how far have you gotten? Have you accomplished what you set out to conquer this year?

Whether you have or haven’t conquered your new year’s resolutions, fear not because it doesn’t matter. Yes, you read that correctly, it doesn’t matter if your resolve lasted one day or one month, God is not interested in the ten pounds you lost (or didn’t) or the juice fast you stuck to (or the cheeseburger you ate instead). He wants to know you, to spend time with you.

This Lenten season we should resolve to renew our relationships with God in His way and time, not ours. We need to allow Jesus to create a clean heart with a right spirit in us. We need to spend time in prayer, reading the Bible, and most importantly, listening to what God is asking of us.

- Angela Knapp

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.” Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You two are incredible! No, I take that back, because of your faith you are very credible!
- Mrs. Lyberg