Sunday, February 17, 2013

My Lenten Devotional as a rerun!

Daily Lenten Devotional
Sunday, February 17th
Read: Luke 4: 5-8

And Jesus answered, and said unto him, “Get thee behind me, Satan;
for it is written thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and God only shall you serve…”


There are days when I really enjoy grocery shopping. When I know there’s money in the bank account, when I’m planning healthy, yummy meals, when I have the time to wander the aisles looking at everything. And then there are days I detest grocery shopping. I’m in a hurry and it’s raining and the line at the checkout is six people deep and they don’t have my favorite chips and I drop my coupons and I’m outraged that lean ground turkey costs a dollar more a pound than the fatty kind.

And some days it’s the same with worship and serving the Lord. I know, I know, it’s blasphemy. But it’s the truth. There are some Sundays when I wake up and am excited to put on my best clothes and drive to church and see all my friends and serve communion and sing loudly along with the choir. But then there are those Sundays when I just want to stay in my pajamas and drink another cup of tea. When I want to turn off the alarm clock and roll over. When I want to go out to breakfast and beat the crowd to Target.

And you know what? I think that’s okay. I realized long ago that I couldn’t beat myself up over every little thing, every teensy tiny bit of guilt I experienced. I grew up attending church every single Sunday. And we were often there on Wednesdays and Thursdays and other days doing whatever needed doing. It’s okay because I can worship God at home in my pajamas. I can serve God by helping out at the Homeless Ministry on Tuesday. And I can pray whenever and wherever and God still loves me.

Don’t get me wrong; I still have to continually tell Satan to get behind me. I have to remind myself that I’m a Christian not because I go to church regularly (which I do love doing) but because of my faith. Because of my worship and my service and most of all, my relationship with Jesus. And I love that my God, your God, our God, has taught me that.

- Sarah Knapp (from 2010)

Gracious God, may I always feel that connection to you, whether in the church pews, on a mission outing, or sipping tea in my pajamas. In all that I do, may I continue to worship and serve you. Amen.


Anonymous said...

Very honest, very thought provoking. Good job my friend!

Anonymous said...

Nice Sarah!