Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My Rebel

I am obsessed with taking pictures. If you know me, you know this. And more than likely, you've been subject to my shutterbugness. I have several cameras of my own, 35mms that use film, a couple of digital cameras that don't, and an iPhone that does a pretty amazing job for a phone. I love love love taking pictures.

And, just as with anything I love doing, I want to be come better at it. I want to be a better writer, I want to be a better cook, I want to be better at everything, including photography. And part of that requires having better equipment. So, for my birthday, my awesome parents and Angela got me a new camera. My first DSLR camera. A Canon Rebel T3.

All my life I've dreamed of having a real professional camera, one with a big lens you could change and move. Seriously, I've wanted one since I can remember. But cameras are expensive and when you're not a photojournalist, unnecessary. So I made do. But next year Angela and I are going to Europe. And I want to take pictures. So many pictures. Amazing pictures. And not just with my phone. And did I mention my parents are awesome? Cause they are.
And the camera came with something cool, a three-hour class on beginning photography led by a Canon employee. So off Angela and went on Sunday (yes, I made her go because the camera is overwhelming and we both need to learn because I'd like a photo or two of me while in Europe - I mean it took me an hour to get the strap on the thing!) to the camera class. There were about 20 people there and it was awesome. The teacher went through all of the features on our cameras, had us put them on the best settings and then taught us things about F-stops and exposure and raw files and how to get the camera to take really amazing photos. I can't wait to go back and take another class!

So far we've only taken photos of the trees in our yard and each other but over the Thanksgiving break we're going to go on some adventures to practice. I'm so excited. And watch out, if you get any where near me in the next few months you might become my next subject!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jamee Boutell Brick
Jealous!! So awesome!

Betsy Hunsley-Hunt
I have the same camera! I need your crib notes from class

Matthew Levin
awesome, congrats!