Wednesday, January 22, 2014

No idea what's next

A few minutes ago I submitted final grades for my latest (and potentially) last class with the University of Phoenix. I will check in through Friday but after that, I don't know when or if I'll teach for them again. As a teacher under contract for each class each semester for the past five years, this is not news to me. But this time, it feels a little different. I was informed (via email memo) last year that the university was going through some changes and they would need less adjunct professors. Then I applied for a full-time job with them and wasn't interviewed. And so, this could really be the end of an era for me. I have no idea.
It may be my chance to rise like a Phoenix and fly off on my own. Only time (and a contract or not) will tell.

So for now, I have no idea what's next. I'm unemployed. Again. I got my final editing paycheck for a freelance gig last week. The woman I'd been working with has gone on a month-long sojourn to other parts of the world. The pilot that got the awesome staged reading treatment in December? It still sits, unasked for, in my portfolio file. There haven't been any calls or emails. I don't know if there will be.

I do know that tonight I'll go to a movie screening of a little indie I'd really wanted to see. A friend who didn't give up when I turned him down twice for other movies is taking me as his plus one. Tomorrow I'll sit back down at my desk and I'll turn to the pile on my left. The pile of rewrites and notes and outlines and things to do. There's always something floating in my brain and I'll get to it. I'm excited to finish the novel I started this weekend and spend time with friends this weekend. Monday I'll drive a church friend to the doctor and Tuesday I'll have dinner with an old film school prof.

But what's next in the big scheme of things?

I have no idea.

Pilot season is here in L.A. and that means staffing season isn't far behind. I'll send out letters and emails and beg people to give me a chance (not literally beg but you know, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do). I'll keep writing. I'll network all over the place. I'll continue to add to my packing list for Paris (only 138 days until we leave!!!). I'll just keep keeping on because well, I never know what's next!


Anonymous said...

You can never know what is really around that next corner - keep going! Hugs D

Puggleville said...

Sending you lots of hugs and love. :)