Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A day in Hollywood

When I moved to Los Angeles people told me they see "movie stars" everywhere. I didn't believe them. I didn't see them. Well, there was my friend Pauley but that's about it. I was starting to believe there must be a secret world of celebrity out there somewhere that I didn't know the directions to. And that's okay, I just go about my business and think about being in "the business" and life goes on.

But I still wanted to see some celebrities.

It's not that I want to stalk them or even approach them but I think it's fun to see them, to smile and nudge your friend and say, you know who that is??? It makes it seem like I live in Hollywood.

Today was finally one of those days. After listening to the biggest celebrity in the world give his inaurgural address this morning, I went to Homeless Lunch (where three of us wore our Obama '08 shirts and kept smiling, a lot). It was on the way there that I saw my first taste of Hollywood for the day, Ms. Audra McDonald. She wasn't doing anything exciting, just getting groceries out of a Prius but I smiled thinking to myself, I see her on TV every week (Private Practice).

Afterward volunteering I went to Mel's Diner with my friends Emily, Jim, Pauley and Michael. It was there that we saw Bruce Vilanch, the comedian and writer. Big red glasses and all! I was pretty excited even though it took all of a few minutes to come up with his name. I seem to remember him most from Hollywood Squares when I was younger, and his voice is very distinctive!

After lunch Jim and I went for coffee and that's where I saw my final celebrity of the day, Jai Rodriguez (of Rent and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy fame). Yeah, I am pretty geeked. And yeah, I know, I'm a dork!!! But I love it!!!

1 comment:

The World through Angel's Eyes said...

Oh. My. Gosh. I know it's not funny to you right now, but I seriously just got the biggest kick out of what you wrote. Not because you had to live it, but because you did an amazing job and re-telling it. I'm so sorry that the vehicle nightmare was exactly that, a nightmare. I'm praying that God sends some mechanic angels your way. The part about the $20 is awesome. God is good!