Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Finally. Let me just say that again.

Something good happened. In a day filled with purchasing car batteries, returning car batteries, moving cars around the street, being overly frustrated by life, I got some good news.

I got the internship I'd applied for and "auditioned" for. Yep yep!

I'll be interning with Gold Circle Films, here in Los Angeles. They're an independent production company whose recent hits include The Wedding Date, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, New in Town, The Haunting in Connecticut, etc. And I am so geeked!

In order to get the job I had to write sample coverage, and that's what I'll be doing during my internship mostly - writing coverage. Coverage is basically two pages about a new script, kinda like the crib sheet or Cliff Notes. It includes some details, a synopsis and an analysis. It's what's sent to the higher ups in the company to determine whether or not they'll consider the project for production. (The basic entry-level job for all us industry folks.)

The script I covered was a horror movie and I basically broke the script down into three parts (one for each act) and then talked about what I thought worked and what I thought didn't work. This was actually the first time I'd written coverage and I thought it was a great learning experience, it helped me to figure out pacing and structure in a practical sense and then discuss what I thought about the script. Very cool, well to me anyway.

So yeah, I don't know the details yet but I'm excited. Finally. Something positive!!!!


Justin said...


You're gonna rock Gold Circle Films.

Anonymous said...

Keep us in the loop on all your future fame. I see it coming. Gold Circle Films will won't know what hit them.

Writer Monkey said...

Good for you. See, life does eventually turn around.

Anonymous said...

Great news!

brickmomma said...

Can we read your sample? I am so proud of you!!!