Thursday, January 20, 2011

Selling myself

This week I have done two things that I am very happy about (well, maybe a few more but only two that are blog-worthy at the moment). The first? I finished polishing all three of my comedy television scripts and I sent them out into the world, to someone who is not a member of my writing group, to someone who hasn't loved me since I was born, to someone who isn't a friend who'll tell me it's going to be just fine. I sent them to a literary agent. I sent them to someone who only wants "them" or in reality, "me", if I'm any good. So yeah. That was exciting, and not nearly as scary as I envisioned.

The second thing I did was apply to the Nickelodeon Writing Fellowship. I submitted a spec script I've written and I'm pretty happy with. It made me laugh, it made my friends laugh, so what more can I ask of it. (Well, besides to get me a job...)

So yeah, a pretty good week so far. And it's only Thursday. Now I start the process of tracking down other managers and agents who'll read my work. It's daunting. Incredibly daunting (which may be why I'm blogging instead of doing it). But I'll push forward. Because strangely enough, no one else in the world really needs me to be a working screenwriter. In fact, there are plenty of writers who'd probably prefer it if I just went back to the couch and took a nap. But nope, not today. Today I begin the process of selling myself...


Anonymous said...

The process of selling your work.... not yourself ;)

I am impressed by your consistent dedication to your craft and to making your own success.

And you make me laugh all the time! Guess I'll put some $$ in the mail ;)


Writer Monkey said...

In marketing we learned that being a business owner meant selling our product. They also told us that being a business owner who sells a service and not a product meant that we were selling ourselves. I never liked the way it sounded, but it is what we do. We sell our ideas, our talent, and our vision when we sell what we write. So, I say good luck selling yourself. So very excited for you.