Friday, December 30, 2011

Love at Christmastime

As I sit here typing I'm looking down at my right hand where there's a sparkly new diamond ring. Yes, on my right hand. The ring is gorgeous and fits me perfectly and yes, it's new to me. But technically it was new in 1941. It was a gift given to my Grandma MacDonald on her sixteenth birthday by her father. He died shortly after that. For as long as I can remember, the gold ring with the two diamonds set on a diagonal sat on her hand. And now it's on mine.

My mother gave Angela and I both one of Grandma's diamond rings. And to me, it means so much more than the weight of the precious metals and stones. To me it means she's with me. Her life and her stories and her smile are right here, close to my heart.

It's been a long year, missing Grandma. We celebrated our last Christmas with her on December 26, 2010. She was so sick for so long and then when she passed away in March it was a blessing for her but misery for those of us she left behind. I believe in Heaven, and I know she's up there with her husband and her son and her sister and her brother and her parents and all those who have gone before but it's still so hard.

Two days ago we, the grandkids and our parents, sorted through her Christmas ornaments. And I only teared up once (which is more than I can say happened during the writing of this blog). It was a joyous night being reminded of all the good times, all the laughs, all the happiness. And Grandma was right there with us. In the twinkle of the bulbs and the smile I'd see on my mom's or my aunt's face when they'd recount a story of Christmas long before most of us were around.

Losing someone is never easy. Remembering them never is either. But I am so thankful for those who remember her with me. For the ways in which she is with me every single day and will continue to be.

She loved Christmas. She loved holidays and everyone being together. And we loved her. So this Christmas has been the perfect celebration of all of that (she types, wiping tears off the keyboard).

Merry Christmas everyone. It's a celebration of love. One that goes on all year and all our lives.

1 comment:

Puggleville said...

:( --> :)