Monday, June 17, 2013

Mr. Doane

Mister Edward Doane was 102 years old when he passed away earlier this month. I cannot hardly fathom that. One hundred and two years old. He retired from his assistant vice president job at an insurance company the year BEFORE I was born. My entire life that I've known him, he was retired. It's hard to wrap my brain around.

Ed was one of those people who was just always in my life. There was no 'oh, I remember when I met him' moment. That's because I'm pretty sure we met when I was an infant at church, at our church, at First United Methodist Church of Howell, where he was head usher and volunteer extraordinaire up until moving north to be closer to family in January of this year. That's right. He was an usher at Christmastime. This year. Again, hard to imagine.

Angela and I were fortunate enough to be able to attend his memorial service Thursday here in Michigan. And it was a wonderful chance to celebrate our friend, this servant of God who, in the words of one man at the service "was just a true gentleman".

When Angela and I moved to Arizona Ed was one of the first people to send us a Christmas card of our own. I loved that. In his perfect script he'd written a note that he looked forward to seeing us over the holidays. And we always did too. I loved seeing his bright smile when we entered the church and getting a big hug from him.

The last time I saw Ed was at our house this past December. He came for our annual Holiday Open House and because he came right when we began, I had time to sit and eat with him on the back porch. After some prompting he told us stories of growing up downtown Detroit and not having a heater in the house, or a toilet for that matter. He told us stories of being a little boy and loving Christmas. It's a conversation I'll cherish forever.

We snapped the picture right before he left our house that night. It's a little blurry but Angela says that's just because Ed couldn't hardly sit still. He was always out doing something, going somewhere, willing to lend a hand or a hug. I miss him but I know that he's up there in heaven, making sure that everyone finds their seats and that we all see his big smile when we walk through the front gates.

Be in peace, Mr. Doane, for I know you won't be resting! We all love you and remember you fondly.

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