Saturday, March 01, 2014

30 Day Photography Challenge - Day 30

Self Portrait
So this is it. The last day of my 30 day photography challenge. And just as I started with a self portrait, I'm to end with one. So here it is...
The first self portrait I took was me at my desk, a work day. This is me at rest. It's Saturday and I just finished working out and go dressed. These are shoes I wear more often than not (unless it's flip flop season - well, frankly, it's almost always flip flop season here in Los Angeles). I have seven pairs of Converse currently. These hot pink ones were a gift from my sister two Christmases ago. I have a black pair, an all black pair (no white tips or sides), a green pair, a tan plaid pair, a grey speckled pair, and a grey pair. I wear them all the time. To church, to work, to play. They're me.

It was Angela's idea for me to take a photo of myself wearing them. I was complaining this morning about how I didn't want to take a self portrait today. I didn't want to do my hair, even half-way nice. I didn't want to put on a good bra or change out of my snowman golf tee. And yes, I could have taken a photo wearing all this but I wasn't feeling it. Thus, the shoes.

The month of photography challenge has been fun. It's also been just that, a challenge. But I've learned a lot about my camera, a little something about me, and made some good memories. And I have the photos to remember them all by.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kelly Austin
Way to rock the Converse! They're perfect!

Bonnie Jacobs
Great pic... Love converse!!! I have 5 pairs & also live in them, unless I'm wearing boots

Olga Rodriguez-Munoz
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and photos. It has been entertaining. Keep it up!